Farewell Year 8!

Farewell to our beautiful Yr 8’s! I can’t believe how fast the year has gone! We are going to miss your laughter, craziness but most of all your place in our class as role models. Take all the values you have learnt at St Patrick’s and spread your love, kindness and Grace through every pathway you encounter. Take care, keep in touch and make sure you come and visit! God Bless you all!

Sadness and Happiness

Another collaborative poem from Room 8. As a follow on from ‘Arlo and the Orca’ we looked at the word happiness and what it looked like, felt like, sounded like, smelt like and tasted like. It was created as a write and roll handed around the class.


Sounds like laughing 

Feels like fun

Like a pure and happy life

Refreshing, clear, sweet

Cheerful laughter on a sunny day

Doing things you like

Smells like a strong sweet flower


Joy in your heart

A Large grin

Birthday cakes


Like summer

Happiness is about being who you are and having fun with friends and family


 And our poem for Sadness…. once again from the feeling Arlo had when Mum wouldn’t share her pain…




Cold tears dripping on your face

Water and cold air


Tears running down your face

Like a cold gust of wind

You’re no one

Tears dropping out of your eyes

Into the ocean

Salty tears

Hu hu hu hu hu hu

You’ve had enough

Crying salty tears and sweat

Bitter feeling of guilt, depression and regret

Sadness is blue, a rainy day

Arlo and the Orca follow up activity

As a follow up Room 8 wrote a letter ‘in-role’ as Arlo, to his trusted friend. The letters were folded and put into a bundle. I handed the letters out randomly with the recipient having to respond to the letter ‘in role,’ as the trusted friend. The level of engagement was high and the responses filled with emotion.


Arlo and the Orca

Saint Patrick’s has had the pleasure of having Monique Walker share her beautiful taonga with us! Supported by the John Walker Foundation and Healing through Arts we have been able to experience Arlo and the Orca through dance and process drama. Jesse and Catherine brought the emotions of the an orca and the ocean to life for us through dance. Monique and Stacey delivered a powerful session where we heard the story and explored the highs and lows of life through the lens of waves and sunny versus moody skies. We all leant that it’s ok to talk about how we feel, to seek help and also, importantly, to cry. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity Monique and we look forward to your next story!

An example of an ‘Insta-card’ where we had to portray people in the lives of Arlo who could support him when he needed help. In these examples we had family members, police, friends, therapists, priests, nuns and even God!!

Room 2 & 8 Co-Lab!

  A letter from Pope Francis:

 Dear young people, do not bury your talents…  the gifts God has given you!
Do not be afraid to dream of great things!! 

Welcome to Room 2 and 8’s CoLab where we see how our talents can make a difference in  the lives of our loved ones.

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